
Showing posts from September, 2020

A leap of Faith

And as I sat down in a coffee shop right in front of the beach, overlooking the magnificent palm trees and white sand beaches, I asked myself. Which way do I go? I know right after I step through the door of my office I’ll immediately feel in despair, lost, depressed, sad. A feeling I’ve been holding on for years. And I don’t want that burden anymore, I just wanted to let it all go, be free and not think of whatever the outcome of my decisions will be. Sometimes I can be reckless, but jumping off of the cliff without knowing what’s waiting for you down there is electrifying. Before I left the coffee shop, I’ve already came into conclusion of me saying ‘fuck it, I’ll resign’! But believe me when I say, everything went downhill first before I’m in this position right now, writing this spiel and abso-freaking-lutely contented that I did what I did. Tell me, what’s the most petrifying, life changing decisions you had to make before you finally found your happiness? Or have you done it yet?...

Moving on

Often when you think you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else. I hit refresh – to everything in my life! A decision that’s been long in my mind but kept being pushed aside. It’s been a hard and extensive debate between all my personalities – yet at the end we came up into a conclusion that the road I’m about to take, will not be the easiest one yet I know deep inside that it’ll be flabbergasting. Nothing in this world comes easy. Everything that you want, you’ll have to work hard for it – well at least for us who weren’t born with a silver spoon. But isn’t it fulfilling to break the ordinary? I believe that the most dangerous phrase in the English language is “…We’ve always done it this way”. And I don’t want that, I don’t want to follow the mainstream. Imagine, you go to school almost half of your life and the other half? You spend it working your ass off! I salute those people who does that exact way. But I just couldn’t! My heart and my mind will for...

From Strangers to Friends

Camping time! This photo is one of those rare moments where you'll always wanna reminisce for the rest of your life. Before I came to Dubai, I'd say I don't have loads of friends. Partly because I'm quite a loner, I'd rather be alone than be with someone just for the sake of it. I also suck at socializing and always get shy before I even approach anyone. I struggled a fair amount on my first months living here because of that same reason. I cry myself to sleep missing my hometown, my family, my comfort zone. See, for someone as introverted as me, stepping out of my safe haven, or even thinking about it makes me quiver. It's unnerving!!! Yet even the most introverted person in this universe, will also feel lonely. Then I found this group, and it did helped me a lot. I am still shy, I still quiver to the idea of coming up to someone and casually introduce yourself. But that didn't stopped me from meeting these wonderful souls. And although as you can see, we c...

The waves of life

  Yup! That's me struggling to stand on my first ever surfing. But in life, who doesn't struggle? Who doesn't stumble and fall? We all do! No matter where you come from, what your social status is, once in your life you were also in a state where you felt so down and don't even wanna hold on anymore. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you think you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. So either you fight back, or you let shit get the better of you. Just like surfing, no matter how many times the waves fucks you up, no matter how many cuts you get from the corals when you fell, you always get up and try again. Because each wave counts! Right now, life has been hitting us with one of the most deadliest waves. But do we give up? Not at all! We fight the battle each and every waking day. Let's all...

A life of an Expat

Almost 4 years ago I arrived in this luxurious City. Not knowing anything about Dubai, I came here. And let's be honest not everyone knew that Dubai ain't a Country at all, it's just a City! Living here has its ups and downs, like any other city at any other country. Dubai is home to Millions of expats, there's a 90/10 ratio of expats and locals. The latter being the 10 percent. So imagine living in a City full of different nationalities and cultures. It's amazing! You'll learn a lot from the people you meet at the office to the people who sweeps the streets at dawn while you're walking home from a wonderful night out. I've had one of the most wonderful experiences living here that I know I will never get from anywhere else. But as amazing as it sounds, it's not all rainbows here! It's not always an amazing place, not always an amazing people. Living here only made me realize that the world is HUGE, there's an endless horizon out there. There...

How’s everyone doing?

A question so easy yet intricate especially through these time, while everyone seems in a limbo. I myself suffered a great deal of anxiety-depression-stress, you name it! Not knowing what’s tomorrow gonna be is just so — I don't know how to put it in words even uncanny doesn’t suffice anymore. But recently I’ve had an eye opener, I was sharing to my friends about some choice that has to be made which is just hard for me. A friend asked me — How I feel about the decision I’ve made. I was speechless, didn’t know what to answer. I just let the silence take over. Then another friend said, what’s the worst that could happen? And it hit me — exactly!! What’s the worst that could happen anyway? Life will always put you in a situation where either you don’t have a choice or you don’t know what to choose. Nevertheless at the end when you’ve finally come to terms of how you feel, you’ll see that the road you took was the perfect one for you. You couldn’t have made a better choice. Never to ...

Armenia, a landlocked country on the crossroad between Europe and Asia

Tough times out there! But let’s not talk negativity, I’m here writing to divert all our attention at least for a couple of minutes.. And for my second solo travel, I went to *drum roll* Armenia!!! With a few bumps I had with my first travel, I’ve learned a lot and have applied so much more unto my next travel. But we aren’t perfect, aren’t we? And so, on my first day there, I got so SCARED! Literally scared that I was thinking of running to the airport as soon as I arrived at my Airbnb . Anxiety started to kick in and I was so down!!! But I gave myself a pep talk lol, and pulled myself together. And yes, y’all got it right! I ended up enjoying so much I forgot I was even alone. I walked through republic square and was amazed on the building structures, the people who are so helpful (coz of course I got lost a lot of times) and met couple of amazing locals (this is the best part of traveling alone — you’ll end up having amazing friends). On my last night, I had a couple of drinks with...

Traveling solo for the first time

I grew up in a place where traveling ain’t much of a thing. Growing up all I’ve wanted was to do good at school, get a degree, provide for my family and have a fruitful life. Every cliché thing a normal person would want in their lifetime. Then shit happens, and I’ve decided to work in Dubai. Nothing comes easy, everything was a challenge and by the grace of God I’ve landed a stable job. Living in Dubai opened my eyes into a lot of things including traveling. I never intended to do solo traveling! I can’t even eat in a restaurant alone, much more go to a complete foreign country ALONE! 😱 Yet miracle happened and the travel bug just bit me. I booked my first ever solo travel on August 2018 to Georgia, with no itinerary, no tours, nothing. I walked the streets of Tbilisi. Ate authentic Georgian foods in Rustaveli. Met fellow solo traveler and had the best trip ever. See when you overthink things and let your feelings get in the way of what you really wanted, you’ll always end up regrett...